At Skin Happy we deliver a mole/lesion scanning service in partnership with ScreenCancer UK.
If you have concerns regarding a mole or lesion on your face or body, you should have this checked.
We ask you to complete a consent form with some personal data. This is so ScreenCancer can contact you with the results of the analysis.
You will be asked a short series of questions about your skin. This will assess your risk factors of skin cancer and provide the dermatology specialists with the necessary background information for analysis.
We take images of your lesion(s). It is totally painless and harmless and takes a few minutes to complete. There are very few restrictions. If you have any doubts, just ask.
The images and information collected during your appointment are sent securely to the ScreenCancer dermatology specialist for analysis. All moles/pigmented lesions are privately analysed, and a colour report sent to you within 2 weeks.
If there are any concerns about the mole/lesion, a ScreenCancer nurse will call you to discuss recommendations from the report and if any remedial treatment/action is required.